Christian Stürmer

Christian Stürmer



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Prezados colegas afetados!


Sempre foi importante para nós, da Rede Contergan na Alemanha, proteger os interesses não apenas das vítimas alemãs, mas também os das pessoas afetadas de outros países e mantê-las informadas.

Sugerimos Christian Stürmer ao Conselho de Curadores da Fundação Contergan como representante das vítimas:

FotoChr klein

Christian Stürmer tem 62 anos e também foi gravemente afetado pelo Contergan (talidomida). Ele é presidente da Contergannetzwerkes Deutschland e.V. (Rede Contergan da Alemanha) e também membro titular do Conselho Administrativo e da Comissão de Especialistas da Fundação Contergan (representantes das vítimas).


Nos últimos anos, Christian Stürmer tem se dedicado muito à nossa causa das vítimas da talidomida, com resultados conhecidos, sendo os mais importantes: o aumento das pensões e os pagamentos de montantes fixos para necessidades específicas.


No entanto, é particularmente importante para ele que as vítimas de outras nacionalidades recebam os mesmos direitos que as alemãs. Porque todas elas são vítimas da mesma substância!  Por exemplo, quando a Fundação Contergan contestou os benefícios das vítimas brasileiras e elas pediram ajuda a Christian Stürmer, ele organizou imediatamente a assistência de um advogado. Tudo isso resultou em uma lei segundo a qual as reivindicações reconhecidas pela Fundação Contergan estão sujeitas a uma proteção especial e só podem ser revogadas em casos de fraude. Esse direito se aplica a todas as vítimas em todo o mundo!



Christian Stürmer oferece ajuda sempre que possível, e é importante que ele continue seu trabalho em prol das vítimas da talidomida e que receba o maior número possível de votos.


Christian Stürmer estudou Direito e ainda mantém uma forte ligação com esta área até hoje. Assim, ele se envolve profundamente com questões legais relacionadas ao tema da talidomida.


Ele foi coautor de um novo estudo (que deve ser aprovado este ano) sobre a talidomida na Universidade de Heidelberg. Este estudo também aborda

o escândalo da talidomida e como era a situação legal das vítimas da talidomida naquela época, e quais são os direitos decorrentes disso hoje.


O professor de Direito Stefan Geibel, da Universidade de Heidelberg, que também participou do estudo (veja também o vídeo em nossa página inicial e Christian Stürmer argumentam que uma avaliação correta do escândalo da talidomida resulta em mais direitos para as partes prejudicadas do que é frequentemente divulgado[1].. Por um lado, isso é importante para evitar que os benefícios nos sejam tirados novamente. No entanto, isso também permite boas justificativas para nossas reivindicações não atendidas.

Estamos satisfeitos com o fato de que importantes demandas feitas por Christian Stürmer entre 2008–2016 também foram adotadas por outras associações e representantes das pessoas afetadas:


Um exemplo disso são os benefícios dos sobreviventes para os parentes das vítimas da talidomida[1]. O Estado alemão ou a Fundação Contergan deve fornecer suporte para as pessoas que cuidaram das vítimas por um longo período, caso as vítimas venham a falecer (pensão para os sobreviventes).


Outro exemplo importante (especialmente relevante para as pessoas com deficiências graves) é a proibição proposta de os órgãos de assistência social exigirem que os familiares de pessoas falecidas e gravemente afetadas pela talidomida reembolsem a ajuda prestada para cuidados (cláusula de exceção em relação ao § 102 SGB XII).[3]


Christian Stürmer está particularmente comprometido com as vítimas da talidomida com deficiência auditiva: na última reunião do Conselho da Fundação, em 8de maio de 2024, ele mais uma vez pediu que a Fundação Contergan contratasse intérpretes de linguagem de sinais.


Christian Stürmer também gostaria de conseguir um melhor atendimento médico para as vítimas. Um bom atendimento médico deve ser garantido em TODO O MUNDO, ou seja, em todos os países onde vivem vítimas do(a) Contergan/talidomida..


O conhecimento e as habilidades dos centros de competência devem ser disponibilizados a todas as vítimas DO MUNDO INTERO, pelas quais o Estado alemão é responsável. Apenas o pagamento de pensões não é suficiente! A responsabilidade assumida pelo Estado alemão também inclui a garantia de que as pessoas afetadas recebam uma boa assistência médica. E, como já mencionado acima, essa responsabilidade também inclui a garantia de que as pessoas que cuidaram das vítimas por muito tempo recebam o devido auxílio, caso as vítimas venham a falecer (pensão para os sobreviventes).


Uma das principais preocupações de Christian Stürmer é garantir que as pessoas afetadas pela talidomida sejam mais envolvidas na Fundação, incluindo vítimas de todos os tipos de deficiência e de todos os países! Isso também é exigido pela história da talidomida – veja o vídeo do Professor Geibel em nossa página inicial .

Temos o direito de ser tratados "em pé de igualdade", de acordo com o lema: "Nada sobre nós, sem a nossa participação!"


Portanto, é inaceitável que as vítimas da talidomida não tenham permissão para eleger seu representante no conselho da fundação, mas que essa pessoa seja simplesmente determinada pelo ministério.

Além disso, os ministérios federais têm três dos cinco assentos no Conselho de Curadores, enquanto as partes afetadas têm apenas dois. Não podemos permitir que isso continue!


Tanto as melhorias na estrutura da fundação quanto os benefícios dos sobreviventes estão sendo discutidos atualmente no parlamento alemão. Temos certeza de que algo positivo pode ser alcançado para as vítimas em ambas as áreas.


Christian Stürmer visitou o Ministério Federal de Assuntos Familiares, Idosos, Mulheres e Juventude em 2020 para discutir sobre os benefícios dos sobreviventes. Christian Stürmer apresentou nosso catálogo de demandas específicas. Posteriormente, o ministério encomendou um relatório de especialistas sobre as pensões aos sobreviventes.[4] Este ano, foram realizadas duas audiências pelo legislativo alemão – uma sobre a reforma estrutural da Fundação Contergan e outra sobre as pensões aos sobreviventes. Christian Stürmer também participou em ambas as audiências. Os membros do parlamento estão agora discutindo os resultados. Estamos convictos de que podemos esperar boas propostas legislativas em breve.


Como lidamos com a Grünenthal?

Nós, e em especial a Fundação Contergan, devemos intervir o melhor que pudermos junto à Grünenthal, para que ela também contribua, de acordo com o modelo inglês, com os benefícios para as vítimas. Ainda nos falta uma indenização adequada por danos morais! Nesse sentido, a Grünenthal deve pagar! Isso dificilmente acontecerá de forma voluntária, mas se a fundação exercer influência sobre o governo e todos nós nos unirmos, talvez algo possa ser alcançado.

Pedimos apoio a todas as vítimas do(a) Contergan/talidomida para que Christian Stürmer possa continuar seu trabalho.

Principais objetivos de Christian Stürmer

  • 1.)   Garantir os benefícios específicos relacionados ao Contergan;
  • 2.)   Benefícios de sobrevivência para parentes de vítimas falecidas da talidomida;
  • 3.)   aos benefícios para necessidades específicas:
    • a) aumento significativo,
    • b) dinamização, ou seja, aumentos anuais, como as aposentadorias e pensões
    • c) opção de capitalização;
  • 4.)   Melhoria dos procedimentos (por exemplo, nos pedidos de revisão) e renúncia da Fundação à cobrança
  •        de custos em processos judiciais;
  • 5.)   Pagamentos por ponto de dano (não escalonados);
  • 6.)   Pontuação mais alta para pacientes com lesões graves nos membros;
  • 7.)   Classificação do deficiente auditivo severo em 100 pontos de dano;
  • 8.)   Eliminação da fórmula de cálculo dos pontos de dano;
  • 9.)   Aumentar a opção de capitalização para a pensão por talidomida de 5 para 10 anos;
  • 10.) Exclusão de restituições por organizações de assistência social após a morte de vítimas da talidomida
  •       (§102 SGB XII);
  • 11.) Boa assistência médica para todas as pessoas afetadas pela talidomida, no mundo inteiro;
  • 12.) Reorganização da estrutura dos centros de competência, rumo a uma rede e a uma maior adequação às
  •        necessidades (por exemplo, com relação à produção de auxílios específicos); melhor utilização mundial 
  •        possível de conhecimentos específicos;
  • 13.) Conselho da Fundação: aumento do número de representantes das pessoas afetadas (pelo menos
  •        paridade) e expansão de competências (com exceção dos benefícios específicos do Contergan),
  •        transmissão ao vivo das reuniões;
  • 14.) Eleição do representante das pessoas afetadas na diretoria pelas vítimas;
  • 15.) Envolvimento adequado das vítimas de outros países;
  • 16.) Melhor integração dos deficientes auditivos e emprego de intérpretes de linguagem de sinais na fundação;
  • 17.) Um comitê consultivo para a Diretoria e o Conselho da Fundação, no qual estão representadas todas as
  •        associações e todos os tipos de danos causados pela talidomida e pessoas afetadas fora da Alemanha;
  • 18.) Comissão médica: mais transparência, indicação pelo Conselho de Curadores, utilização de competência
  •        especializada;
  • 19.) Indenização adequada por danos morais causados pela Grünenthal..

Caso tenha alguma dúvida, entre em contato com Christian Stürmer pelo e-mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Para mais informações, consulte:

Gostaríamos de agradecer a todos os apoiadores de Christian Stürmer, pois quanto mais apoiadores, mais forte pode ser o nosso impacto!

Estamos com você!


Contergannetzwerk Deutschland e.V.

Conselho da associação

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Sede: 73760 Ostfildern, Weiherhagstr. 6,

Página inicial:



We at Contergannetzwerk Deutschland have always believed it is important to protect the interests of both Germans and victims from other countries and to keep them informed.


We are proposing Christian Stürmer to act as the victims' representative on the Board of Trustees of Conterganstiftung:


Christian Stürmer is 62 years old and has himself been severely affected by thalidomide. He is the chairperson of Contergannetzwerkes Deutschland e.V. as well as a full member of the Board of Trustees and the Expert Commission of Conterganstiftung (victims' representative).


In recent years, Christian Stürmer has been very active in our cause for victims of thalidomide – with proven results – and most importantly in securing the large pension increase and the flat-rate payments for specific needs.


However, he feels it is particularly important that non-German victims receive the same rights as German victims. This is because they are all victims of the same drug!  For example, when Conterganstiftung disputed the payments for Brazilian victims, the victims turned to Christian Stürmer for help, who immediately arranged for a lawyer to assist them. This resulted in a law being passed which stipulates that claims once recognised by Conterganstiftung receive special protection and can only be revoked in cases of fraud. All victims around the world have this right!

Christian Stürmer helps wherever he can, so it is important that he continues his work for thalidomide victims and that he receives as many votes as possible.


Christian Stürmer studied law and continues to be very attached to this field of study to this day. This is why he is heavily involved in legal issues relating to thalidomide.


For example, he co-wrote the new study on thalidomide at the University of Heidelberg (which is up for approval this year). This study also looks at

the thalidomide scandal and thus the thalidomide victims' historical legal situation, in addition to which rights arise from this today.


The legal scholar Professor Stefan Geibel from the University of Heidelberg, who was also involved in the study (see also the video on our homepage, and Christian Stürmer both argue that a correct assessment of the thalidomide scandal gives rise to more rights for the victims than is often stated. On the one hand, this is important in order to prevent payments from being taken away from us once again. On the other hand, this also allows us to demonstrate good grounds for our outstanding claims.3

We are pleased that significant demands made by Christian Stürmer in the period from 2008–2016 have also been accepted by other associations and victims' representatives:


An example is the surviving dependants' pension for relatives of those affected[1] by thalidomide. The people who have supported the victims for such a long time should be cared for by the German state or Conterganstiftung in the event of the victims' deaths (surviving dependants' pension).


As a further example, it must be noted (particularly relevant for our victims with severe disabilities) that social services should be prohibited from reclaiming care assistance from relatives of deceased, severely injured thalidomide victims (hardship clause regarding Section 102 Code of Social Law (SBG) XII).[2]


Christian Stürmer is particularly committed to hearing-impaired thalidomide victims: at the most recent meeting of the Board of Trustees on 8 May 2024, he once again called for sign language interpreters to be appointed at Conterganstiftung.


Christian Stürmer also wants to achieve better medical care for the victims. Good healthcare must be ensured WORLDWIDE; in other words, in all countries where thalidomide victims live.


The knowledge and skills of the competence centres must be made available to all victims WORLDWIDE, for which the German state is responsible. Pension payments alone are not enough! After all, the responsibility assumed by the German state also encompasses making sure that victims have good health care. And, as stated above, this responsibility also includes providing care to those who have supported the victims for such a long time in the event of the victims' deaths (surviving dependants' pension).


It is Christian Stürmer's heartfelt desire to have thalidomide victims more involved in the foundation, regardless of disability or country! The history surrounding thalidomide also demands this – see Professor Geibel's video on our homepage

We have the right to be treated "as equals" – according to the principle of "nothing happens to us without us!"


Thalidomide victims not being allowed to elect their own representative(s) on the foundation's Board of Trustees and this person simply being determined by the ministry is therefore unacceptable.

The federal ministries also hold three out of the five seats on the foundation's Board of Trustees, while victims only hold two. This cannot continue!



Both improvements in the foundation's structure and surviving dependants' pensions are currently under parliamentary deliberation in the German Bundestag. We are certain that something positive can be achieved for the victims in both areas.


Christian Stürmer was in the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth due to surviving dependants' pensions in 2020. Christian Stürmer presented our special catalogue of[3] requirements here. The ministry subsequently commissioned an expert opinion on the surviving dependants' pension. This year, two hearings in the German legislature were held – one on the structural reform of Conterganstiftung and another on surviving dependants' pensions. Christian Stürmer also participated in both hearings. MPs are now discussing the results. We are convinced that we can expect positive legislative proposals in the near future.


How are we approaching Grünenthal? 

We, and in particular Conterganstiftung, need to make every effort to exert influence on Grünenthal to ensure, following the English model, that it also contributes to payments for victims. We have still not received adequate compensation!! Grünenthal should foot the bill for this! While they will almost certainly never do this voluntarily, if the foundation pushes the government and we all stand together, we may be able to achieve something.

We ask all thalidomide victims for their support to ensure Christian Stürmer can continue his work.


Christian Stürmer's most important goals

1.) ensuring thalidomide-specific payments;

2.) surviving dependants' pensions for relatives of deceased thalidomide victims;

3.) regarding payments for specific needs:

a) significant increase,

b) dynamisation, i.e., annual increases to pensions for example, and

c) capitalisation option;

4.) improvement of procedures (such as applications for revision) and no assertion of costs against the foundation in court proceedings;

5.) payments per claim point (not graduated);

6.) more points for those with severe limb damage;

7.) classification of severely hearing-impaired individuals to 100 claim points;

8.) removal of the formula for calculating claims points;

9.) increase of the capitalisation option for thalidomide pensions from 5 to 10 years;

10.) exclusion of reimbursement by social services after the death of thalidomide survivors (Section 102 Code of Social Law (SGB) XII);

11.) good health care for all thalidomide victims – worldwide;

12.) Conversion of competence centre structures – to establish a network and to ensure greater responsiveness to needs (e.g., with regard to production of specific aids); making the best possible use of specific knowledge worldwide;

13.) Board of Trustees: increase in the number of victims' representatives (at least parity), expansion of competence (with the exception of thalidomide-specific services) and live broadcasts of meetings;

14.) victims' representative on the Board of Directors elected by the victims;

15.) sufficient involvement of foreign victims;

16.) better integration of hearing-impaired persons and appointment of sign language interpreters in the foundation;

17.) an advisory body for the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees in which all associations and all types of thalidomide damages and victims are represented, including those outside Germany;

18.) medical commission: greater transparency, appointment by the Board of Trustees, harnessing the knowledge of experts;

19.) adequate payment of damages by Grünenthal.


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Christian Stürmer at: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Additional information can be found at:


We would like to thank all supporters of Christian Stürmer. The more there are, the greater the impact he can have!


We've got your back –


Contergannetzwerk Deutschland e.V.

The Association Council

Registered office: 73760 Ostfildern, Weiherhagstr. 6,



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Chers amis victimes,


au Contergannetzwerk Deutschland, nous avons toujours eu à cœur de défendre les intérêts des victimes allemandes, mais aussi ceux des victimes des autres pays, ainsi que de les informer.

Nous proposons de nommer Christian Stürmer représentant des victimes au sein du conseil d’administration de la Fondation Contergan :

FotoChr klein

Christian Stürmer a 62 ans et est lui-même victime de graves dommages causés par le thalidomide. Il est président du Contergannetzwerk Deutschland e.V. et membre à part entière du conseil d’administration et de la commission d’experts de la Fondation Contergan (représentant des victimes).

Christian Stürmer a beaucoup œuvré pour notre cause en faveur des victimes du thalidomide ces dernières années, avec des résultats reconnus, notamment : la hausse des pensions et les paiements forfaitaires pour des besoins particuliers.

Mais ce qui est particulièrement important pour lui, c’est que les victimes non allemandes aient les mêmes droits que les victimes allemandes. En effet, tout le monde est victime de la même substance active ! Par exemple, lorsque la Fondation Contergan a contesté les prestations dues aux victimes brésiliennes et que ces dernières se sont adressées à Christian Stürmer pour obtenir de l’aide, celui-ci s’est immédiatement tourné vers une avocate. Tout cela a abouti à une loi selon laquelle les droits reconnus sont soumis à une protection particulière au sein de la Fondation Contergan et ne peuvent plus être révoqués, sauf en cas de fraude. Ce droit s’applique aux victimes du monde entier.

Christian Stürmer apporte son aide là où c’est possible et il est important qu’il poursuive son travail en faveur des victimes du thalidomide et qu’il obtienne le plus de voix possible.

Christian Stürmer a étudié le droit et est encore aujourd’hui très attaché à cette discipline. Il s’occupe donc beaucoup des questions juridiques liées au thalidomide.

Il a ainsi participé à la rédaction de la nouvelle étude consacrée au thalidomide (qui sera soumise à l’approbation cette année) réalisée par l’université de Heidelberg. Cette étude porte également sur

le scandale en rapport avec le thalidomide et la situation juridique des victimes de cette substance à l’époque, ainsi que sur les droits qui en découlent aujourd’hui.

Christian Stürmer et le professeur Stefan Geibel, juriste à l’université de Heidelberg, qui a également participé à l’étude (voir la vidéo sur notre site, soutiennent tous deux qu’en analysant convenablement le scandale du thalidomide, on peut obtenir plus de droits pour les victimes que ce qui est souvent communiqué.[1]


Ceci est important, d’une part, pour éviter que des indemnités nous soient retirées. Mais cela nous permet aussi de justifier nos revendications n’ayant pas encore été satisfaites.

Nous sommes heureux de voir que certaines revendications importantes, déjà formulées par Christian Stürmer dans les années 2008-2016, ont également été reprises par d’autres associations et représentants des victimes :

Citons à titre d’exemple la pension de survie attribuée aux proches des victimes du thalidomide[2]. Les personnes qui se sont longtemps occupées des victimes doivent être prises en charge par l’État allemand, ou par la Fondation Contergan, lorsque les personnes concernées décèdent (pension de survie).

Comme autre exemple, il convient de mentionner (ce qui est particulièrement pertinent pour nos victimes les plus gravement atteintes) le fait que les services sociaux doivent se voir interdire de réclamer aux proches de victimes du thalidomide gravement atteintes le remboursement de l’aide fournie pour les soins (clause de rigueur relative à l’article du Code de la sécurité sociale (SGB) XII) après le décès des victimes.[3]

L’engagement particulier de Christian Stürmer concerne les victimes du thalidomide : lors de la dernière réunion du conseil de Fondation, qui s’est tenue le 8mai 2024, il a de nouveau exigé que des interprètes en langue des signes soient embauchés à la Fondation Contergan.

Christian Stürmer souhaite également obtenir une meilleure prise en charge médicale des victimes. Des soins de santé de qualité doivent être garantis DANS LE MONDE ENTIER, c’est-à-dire dans tous les pays où vivent des personnes victimes du thalidomide.

Les connaissances et les compétences des centres de compétence doivent être mises à la disposition de toutes les victimes du MONDE ENTIER pour lesquelles l’État allemand est responsable. Verser des pensions ne suffit pas ! En effet, la responsabilité assumée par l’État allemand implique également que les victimes bénéficient de soins de qualité. Et, comme nous l’avons expliqué plus haut, cette responsabilité implique également que ceux qui se sont longtemps occupés des victimes soient pris en charge lorsque ces dernières décèdent (pension de survie).

Christian Stürmer souhaite vivement que les victimes du thalidomide soient davantage impliquées dans la fondation, et ce quelle que soit la forme de leur handicap et quel que soit leur pays d’origine. L’histoire du thalidomide l’exige également : voir la vidéo du professeur Geibel sur notre site Web

Nous avons le droit d’être traités « sur un pied d’égalité », selon la devise : « Rien ne se fera pour nous sans nous ! »

Il est donc inadmissible que les victimes du thalidomide ne puissent pas élire elles-mêmes leur représentant au conseil d’administration de la fondation, mais que cette personne soit simplement désignée par le ministère.

De plus, sur les cinq sièges du conseil de fondation, les ministères fédéraux en ont trois, alors que les victimes n’en ont que deux. Cette situation ne saurait durer plus longtemps.

Les améliorations devant être apportées à la structure de la fondation, mais aussi à la pension de survie, font actuellement l’objet de débats parlementaires au Bundestag allemand. Nous sommes convaincus qu’il est possible d’obtenir quelque chose de positif pour les victimes dans ces deux domaines.

En 2020, Christian Stürmer s’est rendu au ministère fédéral de la famille, des personnes âgées, de la condition féminine et de la jeunesse pour évoquer la question des pensions de survie. Christian Stürmer a présenté notre catalogue de revendications[4] spécial. Le ministère a ensuite demandé une expertise sur la pension de survie. Cette année, deux auditions du législateur allemand ont eu lieu : l’une sur la réforme structurelle de la fondation Contergan et l’autre sur la pension de survie. Christian Stürmer a également participé aux deux auditions. Les députés débattent maintenant des résultats. Nous sommes convaincus que nous aurons de bonnes propositions législatives prochainement.

Comment devons-nous agir vis à vis de Grünenthal ?

Nous, et en particulier la Fondation Contergan, devrions faire tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour influencer la société Grünenthal, afin qu’elle aussi, à l’instar de l’Angleterre, puisse apporter une contribution en termes de prestations aux victimes. Il nous manque toujours une indemnisation adéquate ! Grünenthal devrait en assumer la charge ! Il est peu probable que cela se produise volontairement, mais si la fondation exerce une influence sur le gouvernement et si nous sommes tous unis, nous pourrons peut-être obtenir quelque chose.

Nous demandons le soutien de toutes les victimes du thalidomide afin que Christian Stürmer puisse poursuivre son travail.


Les principaux objectifs de Christian Stürmer

1.)     Assurer les prestations spécifiques au thalidomide ;

2.)    Pension de survie pour les proches des victimes du thalidomide décédées ;

3.)    En ce qui concerne les prestations pour des besoins spécifiques :

   a) augmentation significative,

   b) dynamisation, c’est-à-dire augmentation annuelle, p.ex. dans le cas des pensions et

   c) possibilité d’obtenir des indemnités ;

4.)    Améliorer les procédures (p. ex. pour les demandes de révision) et faire en sorte que la

        fondation ne soit pas tenue de rembourser les frais lors des procédures judiciaires ;

5.)   Indemnités par point de dommage (pas avec des graduations) ;

6.)   Attribution d’un nombre plus élevé de points aux personnes souffrant de lésions graves

       des membres ;

7.)   Classification des personnes souffrant de déficience auditive grave à 100 points de dommage ;

8.)   Suppression de la formule de calcul des points de dommage

9.)   Faire passer la possibilité de toucher des indemnités en lien avec le thalidomide de 5 à 10 ans ;

10.) Exclusion des demandes de remboursement par les organismes d’assistance sociale après le décès des           

       victimes du thalidomide (article 102 Code de la sécurité sociale XII) ;

11.) Des soins de santé de qualité pour toutes les victimes du thalidomide, dans le monde entier ;

12.) Transformation de la structure des centres de compétence de manière à en faire un réseau et à mieux               

        répondre aux besoins (par ex. en ce qui concerne la fabrication d’outils spécifiques) ; utilisation optimale des     

        connaissances spécifiques au niveau mondial ;

13.) Conseil de fondation: augmentation du nombre de représentants des victimes (de manière à                               

       respecter au moins la parité) et élargissement des compétences (à l’exception des prestations liées au               

       thalidomide), retransmission en direct des réunions ;

14.) Élection des représentants des victimes au comité de direction par les victimes ;

15.) Implication adéquate des victimes des pays étrangers ;

16.) Une meilleure intégration des personnes malentendantes et embauche d’interprètes en langue des signes au

       sein de la Fondation ;

17.) Un organe d’accompagnement consultatif chargé d’assister le comité directeur et le conseil de

       fondation, dans lequel seraient représentés toutes les associations et tous les types de handicaps liés au   

       thalidomide ainsi que les victimes, même hors  d’Allemagne ;

18.) Commission médicale : plus de transparence, nomination par le Conseil de Fondation,

       utilisation des compétences des experts ;

19.) Versement d’une indemnisation adéquate par Grünenthal.



Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à contacter Christian Stürmer à l’adresse suivante : Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Pour de plus amples informations, consulter :

Nous remercions tous les partisans de Christian Stürmer, plus ils sont nombreux, plus il pourra agir avec force !

Nous sommes à vos côtés -


Contergannetzwerk Deutschland e.V.

Le conseil de l’association

logo neu 2 schild

Siège : 73760 Ostfildern, Weiherhagstr. 6,

Page d’accueil :


We at Contergannetzwerk Deutschland have always believed it is important to protect the interests of both Germans and victims from other countries and to keep them informed.


We are proposing Christian Stürmer to act as the victims' representative on the Board of Trustees of Conterganstiftung:


Christian Stürmer is 62 years old and has himself been severely affected by thalidomide. He is the chairperson of Contergannetzwerkes Deutschland e.V. as well as a full member of the Board of Trustees and the Expert Commission of Conterganstiftung (victims' representative).


In recent years, Christian Stürmer has been very active in our cause for victims of thalidomide – with proven results – and most importantly in securing the large pension increase and the flat-rate payments for specific needs.


However, he feels it is particularly important that non-German victims receive the same rights as German victims. This is because they are all victims of the same drug!  For example, when Conterganstiftung disputed the payments for Brazilian victims, the victims turned to Christian Stürmer for help, who immediately arranged for a lawyer to assist them. This resulted in a law being passed which stipulates that claims once recognised by Conterganstiftung receive special protection and can only be revoked in cases of fraud. All victims around the world have this right!

Christian Stürmer helps wherever he can, so it is important that he continues his work for thalidomide victims and that he receives as many votes as possible.


Christian Stürmer studied law and continues to be very attached to this field of study to this day. This is why he is heavily involved in legal issues relating to thalidomide.


For example, he co-wrote the new study on thalidomide at the University of Heidelberg (which is up for approval this year). This study also looks at

the thalidomide scandal and thus the thalidomide victims' historical legal situation, in addition to which rights arise from this today.


The legal scholar Professor Stefan Geibel from the University of Heidelberg, who was also involved in the study (see also the video on our homepage, and Christian Stürmer both argue that a correct assessment of the thalidomide scandal gives rise to more rights for the victims than is often stated. On the one hand, this is important in order to prevent payments from being taken away from us once again. On the other hand, this also allows us to demonstrate good grounds for our outstanding claims.3

We are pleased that significant demands made by Christian Stürmer in the period from 2008–2016 have also been accepted by other associations and victims' representatives:


An example is the surviving dependants' pension for relatives of those affected[1] by thalidomide. The people who have supported the victims for such a long time should be cared for by the German state or Conterganstiftung in the event of the victims' deaths (surviving dependants' pension).


As a further example, it must be noted (particularly relevant for our victims with severe disabilities) that social services should be prohibited from reclaiming care assistance from relatives of deceased, severely injured thalidomide victims (hardship clause regarding Section 102 Code of Social Law (SBG) XII).[2]


Christian Stürmer is particularly committed to hearing-impaired thalidomide victims: at the most recent meeting of the Board of Trustees on 8 May 2024, he once again called for sign language interpreters to be appointed at Conterganstiftung.


Christian Stürmer also wants to achieve better medical care for the victims. Good healthcare must be ensured WORLDWIDE; in other words, in all countries where thalidomide victims live.


The knowledge and skills of the competence centres must be made available to all victims WORLDWIDE, for which the German state is responsible. Pension payments alone are not enough! After all, the responsibility assumed by the German state also encompasses making sure that victims have good health care. And, as stated above, this responsibility also includes providing care to those who have supported the victims for such a long time in the event of the victims' deaths (surviving dependants' pension).


It is Christian Stürmer's heartfelt desire to have thalidomide victims more involved in the foundation, regardless of disability or country! The history surrounding thalidomide also demands this – see Professor Geibel's video on our homepage

We have the right to be treated "as equals" – according to the principle of "nothing happens to us without us!"


Thalidomide victims not being allowed to elect their own representative(s) on the foundation's Board of Trustees and this person simply being determined by the ministry is therefore unacceptable.

The federal ministries also hold three out of the five seats on the foundation's Board of Trustees, while victims only hold two. This cannot continue!



Both improvements in the foundation's structure and surviving dependants' pensions are currently under parliamentary deliberation in the German Bundestag. We are certain that something positive can be achieved for the victims in both areas.


Christian Stürmer was in the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth due to surviving dependants' pensions in 2020. Christian Stürmer presented our special catalogue of[3] requirements here. The ministry subsequently commissioned an expert opinion on the surviving dependants' pension. This year, two hearings in the German legislature were held – one on the structural reform of Conterganstiftung and another on surviving dependants' pensions. Christian Stürmer also participated in both hearings. MPs are now discussing the results. We are convinced that we can expect positive legislative proposals in the near future.


How are we approaching Grünenthal? 

We, and in particular Conterganstiftung, need to make every effort to exert influence on Grünenthal to ensure, following the English model, that it also contributes to payments for victims. We have still not received adequate compensation!! Grünenthal should foot the bill for this! While they will almost certainly never do this voluntarily, if the foundation pushes the government and we all stand together, we may be able to achieve something.

We ask all thalidomide victims for their support to ensure Christian Stürmer can continue his work.


Christian Stürmer's most important goals

1.) ensuring thalidomide-specific payments;

2.) surviving dependants' pensions for relatives of deceased thalidomide victims;

3.) regarding payments for specific needs:

a) significant increase,

b) dynamisation, i.e., annual increases to pensions for example, and

c) capitalisation option;

4.) improvement of procedures (such as applications for revision) and no assertion of costs against the foundation in court proceedings;

5.) payments per claim point (not graduated);

6.) more points for those with severe limb damage;

7.) classification of severely hearing-impaired individuals to 100 claim points;

8.) removal of the formula for calculating claims points;

9.) increase of the capitalisation option for thalidomide pensions from 5 to 10 years;

10.) exclusion of reimbursement by social services after the death of thalidomide survivors (Section 102 Code of Social Law (SGB) XII);

11.) good health care for all thalidomide victims – worldwide;

12.) Conversion of competence centre structures – to establish a network and to ensure greater responsiveness to needs (e.g., with regard to production of specific aids); making the best possible use of specific knowledge worldwide;

13.) Board of Trustees: increase in the number of victims' representatives (at least parity), expansion of competence (with the exception of thalidomide-specific services) and live broadcasts of meetings;

14.) victims' representative on the Board of Directors elected by the victims;

15.) sufficient involvement of foreign victims;

16.) better integration of hearing-impaired persons and appointment of sign language interpreters in the foundation;

17.) an advisory body for the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees in which all associations and all types of thalidomide damages and victims are represented, including those outside Germany;

18.) medical commission: greater transparency, appointment by the Board of Trustees, harnessing the knowledge of experts;

19.) adequate payment of damages by Grünenthal.


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Christian Stürmer at: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Additional information can be found at:


We would like to thank all supporters of Christian Stürmer. The more there are, the greater the impact he can have!


We've got your back –


Contergannetzwerk Deutschland e.V.

The Association Council

Registered office: 73760 Ostfildern, Weiherhagstr. 6,



logo neu 2 schild                                                                                                       





Dear fellow victims!


We at Contergannetzwerk Deutschland have always believed it is important to protect the interests of both Germans and victims from other countries and to keep them informed.

We are proposing Christian Stürmer to act as the victims' representative on the Board of Trustees of Conterganstiftung:

FotoChr klein

Christian Stürmer is 62 years old and has himself been severely affected by thalidomide. He is the chairperson of Contergannetzwerkes Deutschland e.V. as well as a full member of the Board of Trustees and the Expert Commission of Conterganstiftung (victims' representative).

In recent years, Christian Stürmer has been very active in our cause for victims of thalidomide – with proven results – and most importantly in securing the large pension increase and the flat-rate payments for specific needs.

However, he feels it is particularly important that non-German victims receive the same rights as German victims. This is because they are all victims of the same drug!  For example, when Conterganstiftung disputed the payments for Brazilian victims, the victims turned to Christian Stürmer for help, who immediately arranged for a lawyer to assist them. This resulted in a law being passed which stipulates that claims once recognised by Conterganstiftung receive special protection and can only be revoked in cases of fraud. All victims around the world have this right!


Christian Stürmer helps wherever he can, so it is important that he continues his work for thalidomide victims and that he receives as many votes as possible.

Christian Stürmer studied law and continues to be very attached to this field of study to this day. This is why he is heavily involved in legal issues relating to thalidomide.

For example, he co-wrote the new study on thalidomide at the University of Heidelberg (which is up for approval this year). This study also looks at

the thalidomide scandal and thus the thalidomide victims' historical legal situation, in addition to which rights arise from this today.

The legal scholar Professor Stefan Geibel from the University of Heidelberg, who was also involved in the study (see also the video on our homepage, and Christian Stürmer both argue that a correct assessment of the thalidomide scandal gives rise to more rights for the victims than is often stated.[1] On the one hand, this is important in order to prevent payments from being taken away from us once again. On the other hand, this also allows us to demonstrate good grounds for our outstanding claims.

We are pleased that significant demands made by Christian Stürmer in the period from 2008–2016 have also been accepted by other associations and victims' representatives:

An example is the surviving dependants' pension for relatives of those affected1 by thalidomide.[2] The people who have supported the victims for such a long time should be cared for by the German state or Conterganstiftung in the event of the victims' deaths (surviving dependants' pension).

As a further example, it must be noted (particularly relevant for our victims with severe disabilities) that social services should be prohibited from reclaiming care assistance from relatives of deceased, severely injured thalidomide victims (hardship clause regarding Section 102 Code of Social Law (SBG) XII).[3]

Christian Stürmer is particularly committed to hearing-impaired thalidomide victims: at the most recent meeting of the Board of Trustees on 8 May 2024, he once again called for sign language interpreters to be appointed at Conterganstiftung.

Christian Stürmer also wants to achieve better medical care for the victims. Good healthcare must be ensured WORLDWIDE; in other words, in all countries where thalidomide victims live.

The knowledge and skills of the competence centres must be made available to all victims WORLDWIDE, for which the German state is responsible. Pension payments alone are not enough! After all, the responsibility assumed by the German state also encompasses making sure that victims have good health care. And, as stated above, this responsibility also includes providing care to those who have supported the victims for such a long time in the event of the victims' deaths (surviving dependants' pension).

It is Christian Stürmer's heartfelt desire to have thalidomide victims more involved in the foundation, regardless of disability or country! The history surrounding thalidomide also demands this – see Professor Geibel's video on our homepage

We have the right to be treated "as equals" – according to the principle of "nothing happens to us without us!"

Thalidomide victims not being allowed to elect their own representative(s) on the foundation's Board of Trustees and this person simply being determined by the ministry is therefore unacceptable.

The federal ministries also hold three out of the five seats on the foundation's Board of Trustees, while victims only hold two. This cannot continue!

Both improvements in the foundation's structure and surviving dependants' pensions are currently under parliamentary deliberation in the German Bundestag. We are certain that something positive can be achieved for the victims in both areas.

Christian Stürmer was in the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth due to surviving dependants' pensions in 2020. Christian Stürmer presented our special catalogue of requirements here.[4] The ministry subsequently commissioned an expert opinion on the surviving dependants' pension. This year, two hearings in the German legislature were held – one on the structural reform of Conterganstiftung and another on surviving dependants' pensions. Christian Stürmer also participated in both hearings. MPs are now discussing the results. We are convinced that we can expect positive legislative proposals in the near future.



How are we approaching Grünenthal? 

We, and in particular Conterganstiftung, need to make every effort to exert influence on Grünenthal to ensure, following the English model, that it also contributes to payments for victims. We have still not received adequate compensation!! Grünenthal should foot the bill for this! While they will almost certainly never do this voluntarily, if the foundation pushes the government and we all stand together, we may be able to achieve something.

We ask all thalidomide victims for their support to ensure Christian Stürmer can continue his work.



Christian Stürmer's most important goals

  1.)  ensuring thalidomide-specific payments;

  2.)   surviving dependants' pensions for relatives of deceased thalidomide victims;

  3.)   regarding payments for specific needs:

     a) significant increase,

     b) dynamisation, i.e., annual increases to pensions for example, and

     c) capitalisation option;

  4.)   improvement of procedures (such as applications for revision) and no     

        assertion of costs against the foundation in court proceedings;

  5.)   payments per claim point (not graduated);

  6.)   more points for those with severe limb damage;

  7.)   classification of severely hearing-impaired individuals to 100 claim points;

8.)  removal of the formula for calculating claims points;

  9.)   increase of the capitalisation option for thalidomide pensions from 5 to 10


10.)   exclusion of reimbursement by social services after the death of thalidomide 

        survivors (Section 102 Code of Social Law (SGB) XII);

11.)   good health care for all thalidomide victims – worldwide;

12.)  Conversion of competence centre structures – to establish a network and to

         ensure greater responsiveness to needs (e.g., with regard to production of       

         specific aids); making the best possible use of specific knowledge worldwide;

13.)   Board of Trustees: increase in the number of victims' representatives (at least parity), 

         expansion of competence (with the exception of thalidomide-specific services) and live   

         broadcasts of meetings;

14.)   victims' representative on the Board of Directors elected by the victims;

15.)   sufficient involvement of foreign victims;

16.)   better integration of hearing-impaired persons and appointment of sign language

         interpreters in the foundation;

17.)  an advisory body for the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees in which all

        associations and all types of thalidomide damages and victims are represented, including

       those outside Germany;

18.)  medical commission: greater transparency, appointment by the Board of Trustees, 

        harnessing the knowledge of experts;

19.)  adequate payment of damages by Grünenthal.



Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Christian Stürmer at: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!">

lDiese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


Additional information can be found at:



We would like to thank all supporters of Christian Stürmer. The more there are, the greater the impact he can have!

We've got your back –


Contergannetzwerk Deutschland e.V.

The Association Council

logo neu 2 schild

Registered office: D-73760 Ostfildern, Weiherhagstr. 6,


We at Contergannetzwerk Deutschland have always believed it is important to protect the interests of both Germans and victims from other countries and to keep them informed.


We are proposing Christian Stürmer to act as the victims' representative on the Board of Trustees of Conterganstiftung:


Christian Stürmer is 62 years old and has himself been severely affected by thalidomide. He is the chairperson of Contergannetzwerkes Deutschland e.V. as well as a full member of the Board of Trustees and the Expert Commission of Conterganstiftung (victims' representative).


In recent years, Christian Stürmer has been very active in our cause for victims of thalidomide – with proven results – and most importantly in securing the large pension increase and the flat-rate payments for specific needs.


However, he feels it is particularly important that non-German victims receive the same rights as German victims. This is because they are all victims of the same drug!  For example, when Conterganstiftung disputed the payments for Brazilian victims, the victims turned to Christian Stürmer for help, who immediately arranged for a lawyer to assist them. This resulted in a law being passed which stipulates that claims once recognised by Conterganstiftung receive special protection and can only be revoked in cases of fraud. All victims around the world have this right!

Christian Stürmer helps wherever he can, so it is important that he continues his work for thalidomide victims and that he receives as many votes as possible.


Christian Stürmer studied law and continues to be very attached to this field of study to this day. This is why he is heavily involved in legal issues relating to thalidomide.


For example, he co-wrote the new study on thalidomide at the University of Heidelberg (which is up for approval this year). This study also looks at

the thalidomide scandal and thus the thalidomide victims' historical legal situation, in addition to which rights arise from this today.


The legal scholar Professor Stefan Geibel from the University of Heidelberg, who was also involved in the study (see also the video on our homepage, and Christian Stürmer both argue that a correct assessment of the thalidomide scandal gives rise to more rights for the victims than is often stated. On the one hand, this is important in order to prevent payments from being taken away from us once again. On the other hand, this also allows us to demonstrate good grounds for our outstanding claims.3

We are pleased that significant demands made by Christian Stürmer in the period from 2008–2016 have also been accepted by other associations and victims' representatives:


An example is the surviving dependants' pension for relatives of those affected[1] by thalidomide. The people who have supported the victims for such a long time should be cared for by the German state or Conterganstiftung in the event of the victims' deaths (surviving dependants' pension).


As a further example, it must be noted (particularly relevant for our victims with severe disabilities) that social services should be prohibited from reclaiming care assistance from relatives of deceased, severely injured thalidomide victims (hardship clause regarding Section 102 Code of Social Law (SBG) XII).[2]


Christian Stürmer is particularly committed to hearing-impaired thalidomide victims: at the most recent meeting of the Board of Trustees on 8 May 2024, he once again called for sign language interpreters to be appointed at Conterganstiftung.


Christian Stürmer also wants to achieve better medical care for the victims. Good healthcare must be ensured WORLDWIDE; in other words, in all countries where thalidomide victims live.


The knowledge and skills of the competence centres must be made available to all victims WORLDWIDE, for which the German state is responsible. Pension payments alone are not enough! After all, the responsibility assumed by the German state also encompasses making sure that victims have good health care. And, as stated above, this responsibility also includes providing care to those who have supported the victims for such a long time in the event of the victims' deaths (surviving dependants' pension).


It is Christian Stürmer's heartfelt desire to have thalidomide victims more involved in the foundation, regardless of disability or country! The history surrounding thalidomide also demands this – see Professor Geibel's video on our homepage

We have the right to be treated "as equals" – according to the principle of "nothing happens to us without us!"


Thalidomide victims not being allowed to elect their own representative(s) on the foundation's Board of Trustees and this person simply being determined by the ministry is therefore unacceptable.

The federal ministries also hold three out of the five seats on the foundation's Board of Trustees, while victims only hold two. This cannot continue!



Both improvements in the foundation's structure and surviving dependants' pensions are currently under parliamentary deliberation in the German Bundestag. We are certain that something positive can be achieved for the victims in both areas.


Christian Stürmer was in the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth due to surviving dependants' pensions in 2020. Christian Stürmer presented our special catalogue of[3] requirements here. The ministry subsequently commissioned an expert opinion on the surviving dependants' pension. This year, two hearings in the German legislature were held – one on the structural reform of Conterganstiftung and another on surviving dependants' pensions. Christian Stürmer also participated in both hearings. MPs are now discussing the results. We are convinced that we can expect positive legislative proposals in the near future.


How are we approaching Grünenthal? 

We, and in particular Conterganstiftung, need to make every effort to exert influence on Grünenthal to ensure, following the English model, that it also contributes to payments for victims. We have still not received adequate compensation!! Grünenthal should foot the bill for this! While they will almost certainly never do this voluntarily, if the foundation pushes the government and we all stand together, we may be able to achieve something.

We ask all thalidomide victims for their support to ensure Christian Stürmer can continue his work.


Christian Stürmer's most important goals

1.) ensuring thalidomide-specific payments;

2.) surviving dependants' pensions for relatives of deceased thalidomide victims;

3.) regarding payments for specific needs:

a) significant increase,

b) dynamisation, i.e., annual increases to pensions for example, and

c) capitalisation option;

4.) improvement of procedures (such as applications for revision) and no assertion of costs against the foundation in court proceedings;

5.) payments per claim point (not graduated);

6.) more points for those with severe limb damage;

7.) classification of severely hearing-impaired individuals to 100 claim points;

8.) removal of the formula for calculating claims points;

9.) increase of the capitalisation option for thalidomide pensions from 5 to 10 years;

10.) exclusion of reimbursement by social services after the death of thalidomide survivors (Section 102 Code of Social Law (SGB) XII);

11.) good health care for all thalidomide victims – worldwide;

12.) Conversion of competence centre structures – to establish a network and to ensure greater responsiveness to needs (e.g., with regard to production of specific aids); making the best possible use of specific knowledge worldwide;

13.) Board of Trustees: increase in the number of victims' representatives (at least parity), expansion of competence (with the exception of thalidomide-specific services) and live broadcasts of meetings;

14.) victims' representative on the Board of Directors elected by the victims;

15.) sufficient involvement of foreign victims;

16.) better integration of hearing-impaired persons and appointment of sign language interpreters in the foundation;

17.) an advisory body for the Board of Directors and the Board of Trustees in which all associations and all types of thalidomide damages and victims are represented, including those outside Germany;

18.) medical commission: greater transparency, appointment by the Board of Trustees, harnessing the knowledge of experts;

19.) adequate payment of damages by Grünenthal.


Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Christian Stürmer at: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!

Additional information can be found at:


We would like to thank all supporters of Christian Stürmer. The more there are, the greater the impact he can have!


We've got your back –


Contergannetzwerk Deutschland e.V.

The Association Council

Registered office: 73760 Ostfildern, Weiherhagstr. 6,


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